adidas Brand Centre 全球第6間 6千尺品牌中心
雖則話近年鋪租開始回落,但唔少品牌亦開始退租,就連高級品牌Coach原址皇后大道中的3層旗艦店亦棄守,不過這個位置就由另一國際品牌頂上,唔係LV唔係GUCCI,而係運動用品巨擘adidas,完全接手3層商鋪打造全球第6間的品牌中心adidas Brand Centre,4百多萬的租金豈不是每日賣過百對波鞋先為到皮?但最少這絕佳的地理位置盡收廣告之效,你看張家輝及范冰冰亦在大櫥窗出現!
adidas Brand Centre 中環皇后大道中36號 2868 2360
about adidas
adidas is a truly global sports brand. Therefore, everything we do is rooted in sports. Everything that happens in sports happens in moments. Every moment is a chance for the athlete to start over and take today.
The brands of the adidas Group complement each other in a unique way to help athletes perform better, play better, feel better. Our products break records, set trends, make history. Every day. All over the world. Welcome to the adidas Group.