濕氣重的5大身體徵兆你要知 總是睡不夠很疲倦?




撰文:C Lam@Sunday More|圖片來源:Instagram、新傳媒圖庫|編輯:Mike|原文連結:more









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失聲了。 55555。

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【春天來了】體內有濕有跡可尋 #天氣潮濕濕疹發作 #一年容易又春天 #星期一BlueMonday 如何知道自己有濕? 春天來到,潮濕天氣令人混身不自在,然而除了天氣引致的「外濕」,身體內的濕更影響健康。中醫有六大病邪:風、寒、暑、濕、燥、火,其中濕邪是最難祛除的,所以有「千寒易除,一濕難去」之說。如果你睡夠仍然覺得疲倦不堪、便便稀爛,可能已受濕氣影響了!從以下五大方向,來看看你身體是否有濕。 一、看便便 健康的大便應該呈條狀不散爛,如果大便不成形,即代表體內有濕。 大便不成形 — 偏軟身、稀爛或如水狀 大便黏馬桶 — 質黏、異常地臭、肛門有灼熱感,就是身體有濕熱 抹好多紙巾 — 用好幾張紙巾反覆地抹仍擦不乾淨,也是濕熱症狀 二、看舌頭 舌苔濕潤厚膩都是有濕的表現: 有濕:舌苔白色而濕潤黏膩,如豆腐壓碎後,薄薄一層在舌頭但卻難以刮掉 濕熱:舌苔黃色而濕潤黏膩 三、看胃口 有濕氣就是脾胃功能失調,直接影響食慾。 – 該吃飯的時候卻沒有餓的感覺 – 吃一點點就有飽滯感覺 – 常感到胸悶胃脹 四、看睡眠質素 有濕代表脾胃功能失調,胃不和則臥不安,影響睡眠質素。 – 睡不安寧 – 就算睡足6-8小時,仍疲倦不堪,提不起勁 五、看體型 身體有濕的人,身形總讓人覺得較圓潤 -肌肉「鬆泡泡」 -經常出現水腫症狀 身體有濕,除了袪濕,亦要從健脾著手,因為「脾主運化」,只要脾功能良好,就能運化水濕,令濕氣不易囤積。平日多吃健脾化濕的食物如白米、赤小豆、淮山、薏米、扁豆衣等,每天飲一杯米水,都可以有助強健脾胃,驅走濕氣。 How do you find out if you have dampness? Spring is here and the humidity can make one feel uneasy. Aside from external dampness caused by weather, internal dampness in the body can affect your health. Chinese medicine lists 6 major pathogens: wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire, and dampness is most difficult to remove. If you feel tired even if you have adequate sleep and have loose stool, you may already be affected by dampness. Use these five things to assess if you have dampness in your body. 1. Your stool Healthy stool should form a shape and is not loose. If you stool is loose, there is dampness in your body. Stool does not form shape- soft, loose or watery Stool sticks to the toilet- sticky, unusually smelly, feeling of heat in anus means dampness in body Using a lot of tissues- if you need to use a lot of tissues to clean up, it is a symptom of dampness 2. Your tongue Moist and thick tongue coating is also a symptom of dampness With dampness: white coating that is moist and sticky as if a thin layer of finely chopped tofu is on top and is difficult to remove Dampness and heat: yellowish coating that is moist and sticky 3. Your appetite The functions of your digestive system will have issued with dampness affecting your appetite – you do not feel hunger during meal time – you feel stuffed after eating just a little – you frequently feel tightness in chest and abdominal bloating (con’t in comment)

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與閨密、情侶約會的話,當然要選擇氣氛好的地方啦!全港12間必去天台酒吧 都超有feel,傾得興起難免會飲多幾杯,如果出現這些醉酒特徵 時就要適可而止了!返工返到攰,不如一齊去按摩店鬆一鬆,油尖旺按摩店 非常多,實有一間啱你。一大班朋想熱熱鬧鬧,燒嘢食最好不過了,即刻熟讀BBQ技巧7式 ,包你喺燒烤場上戰無不勝!

