Johnny Depp官司丨Amber Heard律師試圖惹怒JD 男神回應超有智慧



Johnny Depp官司丨Johnny Depp昨日再次上庭成為證人作證,面對著Amber Heard律師的砲火式進攻,Johnny Depp只是不溫不火地解釋和回答,因為他知道對方就是為了去激怒自己而在官司上取得優勢。

Johnny Depp官司丨Amber Heard律師試圖惹怒JD 男神回應超有智慧!

在進行審問期間,Amber Heard的律師對Johnny Depp進行猛烈攻勢,不斷以問題希望能夠逼使JD發火,又不斷指問題只是「是非題」,要求JD不用解釋過多,JD就回應指:「並不是所有問題都能用是或否去講清楚的。」,不溫不火地去回敬對方。不過律師繼續以是非題去逼使JD只能有兩個答案,當JD嘗試解釋時,連法官都要求JD只是回答「是與非」便可以,這一波攻勢明顯是想逼使JD佔下風。

Johnny Depp官司 Amber Heard的律師對Johnny Depp進行猛烈攻勢
Amber Heard的律師對Johnny Depp進行猛烈攻勢(圖片來源:YouTube@Law&Crime Network)


在Johnny Depp與Amber Heard交往期間,相信兩人都有對彼此惡言相向。而Amber Heard的律師今番再次以JD的羞辱訊息作為證據去審問JD,整個訊息都是JD在控於Amber Heard並出言侮辱對方,更在文字中以「Mollusk」稱Elon Musk。在律師讀出訊息期間,Amber Heard都在台下表現得神情悲傷,更不時偷偷地拭淚。而JD在最後更直認訊息是出於自己手中。

Johnny Depp官司 JD在庭上明顯都有少少情緒波動。
JD在庭上明顯都有少少情緒波動。(圖片來源:YouTube@Law&Crime Network)
Johnny Depp官司 Amber Heard在聽到訊息時都眼濕濕
Amber Heard在聽到訊息時都眼濕濕(圖片來源:YouTube@Law&Crime Network)

She’s begging for total global humiliation. She’s gonna get it. I’m gonna need

your texts about San Francisco brother… I’m even sorry to ask… But she sucked

Mollusk’s crooked dxxk and he gave her some

shitty lawyers… I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion or what I

once thought was love for this gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy,

pointless dangling overused flappy fish market… I’m so fxxking happy she wants

to fight this out!!! She will hit the wall hard!!! And I cannot wait to have this waste

of a cum guzzler out of my life!!! I met fxxking sublime little Russian here … Which

makes me realize the time I blew on that 50 cent stripper… I wouldn’t touch her

with a goddam glove. I can only hope that karma kicks in and takes the gift of

breath from her… Sorry man… But NOW I will stop at nothing!!! Let’s see if

Mollusk has a pair… Come see me face to face… I’ll show him things he’s never

seen before… Like the other side of his dick when I slice it off.

Amber Heard的律師更提到Johnny Depp曾向助手Steve Deuters傳訊息,表示「Molly的陰道是屬於我的」、「我今晚難道不應該就直接闖入去嗎?」,Heard律師藉此去表達JD不尊重女性的表現,不過JD就否認訊息是自己寫的。是次Amber Heard律師在庭上不斷逼使Johnny Depp發火,希望能夠以此證明JD的性格有缺陷。不過好在JD沒有太大情緒波動,雖然在庭上都有著急的情況出現。

Johnny Depp官司 Amber Heard偷偷拭淚
Amber Heard偷偷拭淚(圖片來源:YouTube@Law&Crime Network)
Johnny Depp官司
(圖片來源:YouTube@Law&Crime Network)

圖片來源:YouTube@Law&Crime Network